Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Vegas...One Year Later

I find myself being reflective this week about my life in the past year. With the anniversary of Vegas only 3 days away, I have been thinking about the journey I have been on since March 9, 2006...D-Day. I am not sure if you all realize how much Vegas changed me. I know that sounds dramatic, but being there with all of you and feeling all of your love and experiencing such a magical day/night with you changed the way I saw myself. I guess I finally saw myself through other's eyes. Would I have gotten there without Vegas...sure...maybe...I think I had been doing a lot of work up until that weekend, but there was something so touching about all of you dropping everything to be with me at a time when I really needed that totally accepting, loving, female energy! I thank you all!

1 comment:

"Lucky pants" Liz said...

You are such a wonderful person Shelby, I'm glad you're seeing yourself for who you are and that you're with someone who reflects that back to you. Can't wait until March!