Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Count me in!

I'd love to take a trip to Denver...the March timing would work better for me, but I'm not sure if it is within Missy's travel time. And...I'm always up for drinking the pregnant people's wine :)
Life has certainly had its ups and downs this past year, I'm looking forward to 2008. But I recently decided that I'd love to freeze my kids in the age they are right now. I was looking back through 10 years of pictures to use at my Grandparents memorial service, and realized just how quickly time flies. Hannah is suddenly this big, indepent kid who already loves going into her room with her girlfriends, shutting the door and just "hanging out." Owen is outside until dark (in reality he's there until we pull him inside), playing with the older boys, skateboarding and just being a boy. They're growing up so darn fast and I realize that Hannah is 8 1/2 and in another 8 1/2 years, she'll be a senior in high school and we'll be off touring colleges (with any luck)! Not to sound cliche, but I truly believe we need to live in the moment and make every moment last! And now, I'm off to do the mom thing and take Hannah across town to piano...so until next time...
Oh, and I have decided that in 2010, we need to take a trip to the Mauian (the hotel I stayed at in November in Maui)...it is such a wonderful place to sit back, relax, and enjoy good friends!

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