Monday, September 24, 2007

Pura Vida gals!

Hello there friends
Wow, we are really abandoning this blog now aren't we? I just got back from a wonderful week in Costa Rica & thought I'd post a little note. The motto of Costa Rica is Pura Vida (pure life) & I got to thinking as I saw this phrase everywhere & heard it non-stop that they are on to something. I have now been to this country 2 times & I swear the Ticos (that is the name for the local folks there) are by far the nicest people I have come across in my life. There is such poverty, minimalistic houses, terrible roads & most people there are walking around with smiles on their faces (of course there are always the exceptions-like the crazy cab drivers that apparently have no value on human life with the way they are so reckless.....). The country is absolutely beautiful and it seems that the locals appreciate all that they have, even when it is really not much. It certainly makes me think that we are a bit spoiled here in the States. Visiting a third world country is certainly a good eye opener. Bri is ready to move there-it was pretty nice being in a place with no TV, no radio & no cell phone-Pure relaxation. The waves were spectacular, but the beach time for me wasn't so good-rainy season proved to be accurate. Pretty cloudy most times & it downpoured every night. However, with a few good books and mags with me, I was good to go. No tan for me, but I ate like a champ (beans & rice & plantains yummy yummy), took naps every day-which is a true luxury and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. Saw some pretty adorable monkeys, cool frogs, butterflies, sloths-you name it. I will send some picts soon. We found an incredible waterfall near where we were staying, so we hopped in & got a natural massage. Good times. Hope you are all well.