Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Pants have left the building!

The pants are traveling to Temecula as we speak...Liz, I hope you have an enjoyable month. Look forward to reading about your adventures. I must say I am sorry to see them leave :(

Shelby-Hang in there girlfriend! Take some deep breaths and know your "sisters" are with you 100%.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Twilight Zone

I am now divorced. Hard to believe and yet...it is true. I sat there in a courtroom with the man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with waiting for the judge for over an hour. We got to talk about everything and I still cannot help but feel like Bryan has never truly let himself feel the implications of his actions. Never really allowed himself to hit "rock bottom". He seems to be justifying everything he has done by saying "I realized I could never adore you the way you deserve to be, so I let you go." What a nice guy! Isn't he??? Ha! IDIOT! What a damn cop out to not be willing to do the work and somehow be able to turn that around to doing the "right thing". He is not the kind of man I want to be with. I long to be with a person who works as hard as I do to have good relationships and realizes that the REAL stuff happens during hard times. The stuff worth living for. I guess if that is who he is, I am probably truly better off???

Friday, July 20, 2007

HGTV and me?

Hey gals
So I am obsessed with watching HGTV these days since I have lots of rooms that need redecorating, color, you name it! So, any way my mom & I were tossing around ideas for my bedroom & I said that I really want Candace Olsen to come on over to just do my room for me (she is an amazing designer for all of you that might not be obsessed with watching HGTV, which means you all have lives...)So I quickly went online to see how I could be chosen for one of the shows. Some of them are in the LA area, some in Chicago, etc.But there was a headline that said "Is your room ugly, boring & unromantic?" If so & you live within the Philadelphia area, fill out an application & we will transform your room. So, I kid you not, I am going to do it. But, I need some suggestions. I need a story to tell & a reason that they should choose our room. They even make a statement that you should try to let your personality shine through in the answers. Now I have to think of something creative. I have no concerns about the pictures I have to submit. My bedroom is still in the hideous stage so that should be the easy part.

I then went on to find other recruiting shows for remodeling bathrooms & kitchens, so perhaps I will apply for everything & see what happens. I better get these applications in while the Pants are in my possession because Patragnoni luck is not so good. Not sure if Wynn luck is any better, but maybe?
So,if you have any ideas that will ensure that my bedroom gets a sweet makeover-send them my way. How cool would that be? It is fun to dream now isn't it??

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Our movie

Hey gals
As I was sitting down last night to Belax (that is Emily's term for relax...of course her language is developing really well now & she is starting to say Relax correctly which is kind of a bummer because I really enjoy hearing Belax)Bri was flipping through the channels like a mad man when I exclaimed loudly "PUT THAT BACK". He almost jumped off the couch because I yelled so loudly...The Sisterhood was on HBO & I said to him "I HAVE to watch this right now", to which he replied "Didn't you already see it?" What a silly question. I kindly explained that I am now the holder of the Pants & if the movie is on, I feel it is my duty to watch it. So I made my way to the other TV in the house to watch & actually considered putting the Pants on to view the movie but then I decided against it because it might not be too comfy to curl up in bed with denim on... And just as I was tuning in, Liz called. How crazy is that? Hmm what timing. So at any rate, I enjoyed the film once again & was thinking of you gals. I am sad that this is my last week with the Pants, but certainly have enjoyed having them. Not much news to report, but hey I still have a week left. Never know what will come my way. So, hope you are all well-I better get to work. Out until the next post.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Last week of the Pants

Just sitting here thinking about you girls and getting excited to get ahold of them Pants! It's already been a whole 3 months and I can wait to get another go at it. All is well here, loving my Pilates and thankful that Court gave me the kick in the butt to actually do it! Thinking that it's about time to start planning our next get together, any thoughts?

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I'm officially in "the club"

Hey gals
What were you all doing at 7:15 this morning? Lucky me...I had my very first baseline mammogram bright & early today, so now as Liz informs me, I am amongst fellow "club" members....not sure that this is a club I want to be a part of, but hey, we need to take care of ourselves now don't we? No problems here but my OB/GYN thought that I should get a baseline mammo prior to getting pregnant again and after all I am 35 so this is how things go. So..I was all geared up for the pain that I often hear associated with this right of passage & then had a little talk with myself to remind myself that I gave birth in the absence of an epidural (not by my choice I might add). If I could do that, then I could do anything. Of course, I wore the Pants so you gals would be with me in spirit. So...I get there, begin the process & the machine shuts down-they send me out to the waiting room for only about 5 minutes (to increase my anxiety I suppose??) and I am called back in. It was over in about 2 minutes & I swear to you I felt absolutely no pain or discomfort at all. I was actually shocked when the tech told me I was done. I for some reason was expecting much worse. I have to say, the most uncomfortable thing for me was the way my shoulder was pressed against the darn machine and even that was so minor that it was not even worth complaining about. So.. all in all, a fine experience for me. The tech showed me my breasts on the screen (as if I know what I am looking for...but I saw nothing that looked out of the ordinary so that is good) & she complimented me and said that I was lucky that I was young & that my breasts weren't saggy or droopy. That cracked me up. Now lets hope the films are all AOK. It is incredible how the mind wanders. I have absolutely no concerns with my health right now Thank God, but just the mere fact that someone is going to read my films to make sure everything is fine causes a little bit of anxiety. But I am not letting that get to me.

Oh & in other health news...you may or may not know that I had a little baby tooth that had no "grown up" tooth behind it...dentists have been telling me for years that it should be taken out & an implant should be put in its place (a simple procedure in which they screw a metal rod into the bone in my gums-now that sounds pleasant doesn't it?)So, I have been putting it off for years now since the baby tooth was still in it place not bothering anyone. And yesterday, I did it-I had it removed! I am wondering if the tooth fairy will pay me a visit? So why now you ask? Well, the other dental issue I have is that the good old space that I had in between my 2 front teeth that was fixed when I had braces back in 7th grade is bugging me (I had some stupid bonding as a temp fix but that was taken off yesterday too).So now the big question: Do I go on like Lauren Hutton with a big old gap in between my teeth or do I get braces again? I am actually considering braces- so, I might be looking real pretty soon. I will post some picts if & when that day comes. So braces & a dental implant & thousands of dollars later, perhaps my smile will be extra special. Of course my dentist & Bri think that the space is cute, but I have some other thoughts about this "cuteness".
OK now that I have rambled on about dental issues & mammograms, which I am sure you are all so excited to read about, I suppose I should get back to work.

A little peek into the Melissa Wynn world for a moment...

Chat with you all soon.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

4th of July on the Farm...

Hey gals
Well as the keeper of the Pants, I feel compelled to post updates here. Not much news to report other than the fact that the Wynn family absolutely loves the new house. We had our 1st party yesterday for 4th of July & it was really great. My aunt kept saying that "life on the farm" is really cool. Our yard is ridiculously large that we crack up at times. We had simultaneous games going yesterday that we felt like we were running summer camp. Bacce ball on one side (what fun I might add-we are getting back to our Italian roots with this one), horseshoes, badminton, kickball, softball, you name it, we offered it. It is incredible how these silly little games can bring the family together. I know this sounds corny, but we had such a good day of bonding. Not to mention that I was so not even worried that my house is still in a shambles. As my mom stated beautifully "who cares if your walls are painted & there are boxes still unpacked- being together is what is important." Amen to that! So, we rounded off the night with S'mores by the bonfire in lieu of driving to find fireworks. Did I mention that my 90 year old Nana was even playing Bocce? I will send some pictures for you to see the fun. I can't wait to plan the next shindig over here. So...you gals need to come East to share in our excitement. And now if the rest of my rooms can get painted & the rest of the carpet can be replaced I will be one Happy Camper for sure. Hmm is it fate that I won on that Happy Camper machine in Vegas. Who knew???