Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Trip to Denver???

Anyone seriously up for a trip to Denver before Missy can't travel? How fun would it be to have a girls weekend at my house? March 14-16 anyone??? Maybe even Feb. 1-3??? Southwest flies to Denver now and you can find cheap tickets. I know Michele is due sometime right after Valentines Day, but heck...we would take her really pregnant or with the little one in a bucket. Besides, Missy will be feeling large too! And those of you who aren't prgnant, maybe the pregnant juice will rub off onto you. And those of you who hope to NEVER be pregnant again can drink all the pregnant people's alcohol. Melissa and probably even Anika could join us and Katie needs our support, too. Her mother's lung cancer has returned and has spread to her liver...it doesn't look good. Anyone...anyone??? We only live once? It would be great to get a yearly tradition going.

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