Thursday, May 31, 2007

Sad Day

I had a hard day today...
I had to sit in a courtroom, next to the man I stood next to overlooking Jackson Lake 10 years ago and pledged my love and devotion to for the rest of my living days, and talk about what papers needed to be completed in order for us to end our marriage. Before I went into the courtroom, I sat on a bench (with another strange guy on the other end) and sobbed uncontrollably.
I hate him and what he has done to us. I am having a hard time understanding how he could not have even tried to work on our marriage. I didn't even know it was bad a little over a year ago and now it will be over on July 23rd.
Are the pants really with me today??? I am keeping hope that their mysterious power will reveal itself to me before I have to send them on.

1 comment:

missypatch said...

Oh Shelby
I am so sorry that you had such a difficult day....honestly, I must say I am so sorry that you have had such a difficult year. It is OK to have those moments when you must break down & ask yourself "why me" and "why has he done this to our family?" That is all a part of this ugly process. Hang in there & know that your "sisters" are only a phone call away. Those Pants are definitely with you & if you need them into the next month, by all means keep them girl. I will forfeit my month if it means that peace can come your way. My thoughts are with you always. Take care of your sweet self & know we are all with you through the magic of the Pants.