Saturday, January 27, 2007

Pack your Pants...Take Manhattan

Ok it is a bitterly cold day here in Jersey & I decide to take a ride to Target to fulifll the weekly need to buy unnecessary items. I am walking down the aisles chatting with my mom about how excited we were to find these magic jeans. She is sharing in our excitement (which is fun since some of the people I have been sharing this with apparently don't see the beauty in it. Of course it helps that my mom just read the book this past summer. ) At any rate, I pass the book section that has a HUGE display of Forever in Blue-the 4th in the series of our Traveling Pants books. Honestly, I didn't even know there was a 4th one until Liz filled me in while we were in Vegas. I was so excited because I have been sucked into these books much like I was to the Judy Blume & Beverly Cleary books of my childhood. Of course, I throw the book into my cart & proceed to the checkout, with a large smile on my face. The thought alone of the 4 of us finding these jeans & looking forward to the journeys ahead for us is so heartwarming. I always tell people that when I first thought about moving to San Diego, I had every intention of going to school & moving right back to NJ and perhaps meeting 1 or 2 people to get along with, but I was certainly not intending to meet true friends. Boy what a pleasant surprise...10 years later in San Diego, with 3 of the best girlfriends one could hope for was surely an uplifting experience for me. Despite the fact that we are now scattered in different states, our bond remains.

So....I get home & see a sticker on the book that says Pack your Pants-Take Manhattan. Visit to enter the Sisterhood and the City contest. So of course I go to the website and read about the contest. If we come up with 250 words that explain "how will you & your friends remain close even as everyone faces her own experiences?" the 4 of us can go to NYC for the weekend (airfare & hotel included of course-I can drive there, but that is beside the point right now), we can meet the author & we will get a jeans shopping spree. Entries are due by March 12. I must add that all over the website there are numerous references to having a parent/guardian accompany those that are under 18...and the entries go to Random House Children's books. Hmmm are we too old to be reading these books? I think not. I think this story can relate to any aged women who have a strong connection, but it was an interesting discovery nonetheless. So if anyone thinks we should enter this contest, we need to get the creative juices flowing. I'd love to have you gals come East ! Of course we don't need no stinking contest for you gals to come East.....

Signing off for now....until next time. By the way, I wish I had a snazzy name like Lucky Pants Liz....oh well, she wins the prize for creativity. Perhaps she should draft our entry?


Shelby said...

I really want to enter this contest! Who is going to do it???

"Lucky pants" Liz said...

I'm all for it, but don't know that I'm the best to write our entry (although I am loving my "pants" name!)...Court, Court, are you there? Going once, going twice...Alright I think Court gets it!