Thursday, February 1, 2007

If They Could See Me Now...

I am one of the privileged people that knew Tonia well. Having her as a part of my life from the time I was 11 years old helped me to become the woman that I am today. As I read through all of the entries and see the process that Shelby is going through there is no doubt in my mind that Tonia has a hand in all of this. Yes the pants have "power". They have the power to heal, the power to connect, the power to allow women to realize that we are incredible not because of what a man thinks, but because of what people think (more importantly our good friends).

As far as Tonia goes, I believe that she is guiding Shelby and in turn the rest of us to figure out that she deserves nothing but the best. That she is surrounded by such good friends who care about her so much because she is such a good friend and a good person. It is the hand of Tonia who is intervening, but I believe she has help from several of ourloved ones who are looking out for all of us.

I think we all have the same beliefs. The beliefs that everything happens for a reason, there is a process that we have to go through whenever something tragic or negative happens in our life, and that life is a journey that goes far too quickly. I think we have all been reminded lately that we have to seize the moments to be with our friends and love ones and appreciate them because we don't know how long we will have or how many opportunities we will have.

So, being the accountant and by know means as articulate as all of you, I want to thank you. I want to thank you for taking good care of my friend Shelby (which Tonia would have told you has always been my job), but more importantly I want to thank you for the friendship that we have all developed. I think Tonia (and for me, my grandmother) are taking care of all of us.

Shelby, you do light up the room, but you also have a bunch of shining lights that surround you. That power is never going to dull.