Saturday, February 3, 2007

Adventures at the Dog Park

So I was talking to Shelby the other day and mentioned that our local Dog Park is a great place to meet people. After all, what is easier than striking up a conversation over canines? Everyone loves to talk about their dogs and conversations can start with"what kind of dog is that?" or "we used to have a...." Most people going to the Dog Park, over by our place, are working folks who realize that they need to let the dog get out and socialize after being couped up all day. I've met a few fellow telecommuters who head down in between conference calls during the mid-day. For whatever reason, they're all pretty cool people. Until yesterday that is. I was at the Dog Park talking to a woman about her Ridgeback puppy (it was gorgeous), when this Rottweiler came strutting over toward us. I had heard about a male Rottweiler who lifts his leg on women at the Dog Park, could this be him? Just as the thought crossed my mind, the woman cautioned me about this dog, apparently she was the target last time they crossed paths. So, I moved out of his way, and he followed me, and I kept moving and he kept following. I looked around to find his owner, and saw Mr. Muscle Man standing about 5 yards away snickering, as his dog tried to pee on me. I gave him a "don't @#!%#& with me" look and he strolled over to redirect his dog. The woman I was standing next to said that she has watched this Jack@#&* laugh in the past when his dog has peed on women; now that's the kind of guy I want to be with. Can you even imagine, short muscle man, with a big grizzly dog, who urinates on women; he must be really wounded! Within a few minutes he decided to take his dog and leave, except that his dog had (what muscle man assumed was) a cramp in his leg and was limping. They managed to make it past the park gates, when his 200 lb Rott laid down and refused to keep walking. So there he was, in all his glory, trying to reason with a dog who didn't have any desire to meet his needs. All I can say is what comes around, goes around!

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