Friday, July 20, 2007

HGTV and me?

Hey gals
So I am obsessed with watching HGTV these days since I have lots of rooms that need redecorating, color, you name it! So, any way my mom & I were tossing around ideas for my bedroom & I said that I really want Candace Olsen to come on over to just do my room for me (she is an amazing designer for all of you that might not be obsessed with watching HGTV, which means you all have lives...)So I quickly went online to see how I could be chosen for one of the shows. Some of them are in the LA area, some in Chicago, etc.But there was a headline that said "Is your room ugly, boring & unromantic?" If so & you live within the Philadelphia area, fill out an application & we will transform your room. So, I kid you not, I am going to do it. But, I need some suggestions. I need a story to tell & a reason that they should choose our room. They even make a statement that you should try to let your personality shine through in the answers. Now I have to think of something creative. I have no concerns about the pictures I have to submit. My bedroom is still in the hideous stage so that should be the easy part.

I then went on to find other recruiting shows for remodeling bathrooms & kitchens, so perhaps I will apply for everything & see what happens. I better get these applications in while the Pants are in my possession because Patragnoni luck is not so good. Not sure if Wynn luck is any better, but maybe?
So,if you have any ideas that will ensure that my bedroom gets a sweet makeover-send them my way. How cool would that be? It is fun to dream now isn't it??

1 comment:

"Lucky pants" Liz said...

I'll have to think about it, I think there must be something lucky coming your way!!!