Monday, May 21, 2007

On to round two!

Well, I write, the pants are in the mail and on their way to Shelby. I didn't have as eventful of a last night with the pants as Liz, but it's been a really good month overall. I confess that I don't wear the pants as often as others may (since they are a tad short and thus, limit my outfit options), but I'm convinced that their mere presence and the bond of friendship is what makes them "magical".

I am also aware that being the holder of the pants and having a certain expectation that "good things will happen" has allowed me to approach each moment in life with tremendous openness and appreciation. Every time something good has happened in the past month (e.g., receiving a box of See's candies from a student in my class and a touching "thank you" email from an old client I worked with 7 years ago; finally winning a game of tennis against Jesùs; and having an "Orlando Bloom" sighting during my funfilled evening in L.A. with my sister, Ashton), I've attributed it to the "magic" of the pants. While I certainly don't discount the "magic" of the pants, I believe that "magical" things happen all the time - it's just a matter of really "seeing" them. From the simple things like taking walks on the beach or to Cold Stone with Jesùs to celebrating my new role as an expected aunt to having GREAT talks and sharing laughs with friends - each moment feels "magical" to me now.

It reminds me of that wonderful old story that we've all heard before (at least some version of it). I found this version from this random website:

A man fell overboard from his little boat and was thrashing around in the water when another boat pulled up.
"Jump in," shouted the boater. "We'll save you."
"No", cried the drowning man, "God will save me."
The scene was repeated twice more, before a helicopter finally arrived and hovered over him. Once again, the man refused help on the same grounds ... God would save him.
The man finally drowned and as he crossed the Pearly Gates he gazed into God's eyes with obvious confusion.
"I placed my faith in you and you let me drown," he complained.
"Let you drown?", exclaimed God. "I sent three boats and a helicopter."

Well, with the second round approaching - with or without the pants, I hope to continue to see the "magic", live in the moment, be open and take risks, and appreciate the simple things in life. It's so easy to loose sight especially during hard times, so while this sounds like a motivational speech, it's intended to be a reminder to me about what's important.

Take care and until next time...xo


"Lucky pants" Liz said...

Wow Court...very cool...I'm a believer in the magic of our friendship and the reminder that The Pants give us all! You guys are the best, can wait to see what round 2 brings!

"Lucky pants" Liz said...

Oh, and by the way, I start Pilates on June 5!

Court said...

That's awesome! I'm so excited for you and happy that you're carving out time for your "self"...not an easy task when you're juggling multiple roles as you are!!! I bet you'll love it - keep me posted!!!

Shelby said...

I just have to say how much I love you guys! I am just sitting at my desk today, telling anyone who will listen about the pants, and laughing my ass off! Ok...seeing Orlando Bloom! OMG those pants ARE magical! Also, I have a feeling the pants are sitting on my front porch right now...freshly delivered by my mailman. I KNOW this to be true, because this random woman at my office just handed me, free of charge, 2 box seats to the Police on June 10...just because she "heard" I love Sting! I kid you not! God, my life is good!

missypatch said...

OK I know I have said it before, but this is utterly incredible what these Pants have done to us! Shelby-even if the Pants weren't on your front porch (which I am sure they were), just knowing that it is your month is reason enough for the Power to shine through. I was just thinking about attempting to get tickets to the Police & thought that it would be an impossible feat. Good for you gal.

Can someone arrange for me to have coffee with Glen at some point in this Pants adventure?

Court said...

Shelb...Box seats to the police??? That's incredible! Well, while the good luck has clearly moved your way, it's also lingered over here.

Great News: My sister, Les, who as you know is 7 months pregnant, had gall bladder surgery yesterday and it went "better than can be expected". I've been kind of a wreck about it and now I'm SO relieved - baby Ella is fine, Les is no longer in excruciating pain -so life is good! I also found out yesterday that I've been granted extended time on my psychology licensure exam, which was not easy task (as my first request was denied). As you all may remember, I did not pass the MFT exam the first time because I ran out of time. So, I'm relieved! Not that I really want to spend six hours taking this exam, but hey, whatever it takes to pass! So, good stuff happening all around...

Now I'm off to L.A. with my friend, Cindy, who's visiting from Pennsylvania - will report on more celebrity sightings. Oh, and did I mention that Ashton and I also saw James Blunt - know the song, "You're beautiful"...well, he's a hottie, too.