Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Do I Have a Sign On Me That Says "Crazy Bitches: Please Hassle Me!"

What is it about me and crazy people wanting to harass me through text messages? As you may recall, Scott's soon-to-be ex got her kicks that way and now, one of a mom of one of Aiden's friends is sending me harassing messages. When will my life stop feeling like a soap opera? Basically, there is this slimy, slutty mom who totally befriended me when I was going through everything. Then she stops calling and I find out that she is spending all sorts of time going to dinner, lunch, ice skating, etc. with Bryan and my children. I find this out because my own kid is telling me how much he "loves Janie" and that she is "dad's girlfriend". I am upset by this on many levels. One: it touches my betrayal buttons. Even though she wasn't really the type of person I wanted to be friends with, the thought of being the "last to know" again and being humiliated is more than I can stand, two: it touches on that place deep inside me that, despite how much I don't want Bryan back, why wasn't I good enough? third: it hurts to have your own child talking about loving some other woman in their lives and reminds me that someday I am going to have to deal with Bryan having a new girlfriend/spouse who will be getting to spend 1/2 of my kids lives with and having that part of them that I never will. I am sure there are more reasons while it is upsetting...So I think I am doing the adult thing by checking it out with Bryan, instead of believing a three-year-old and I ask him if he is dating this woman. He says "no"...we have a discussion about it and I try to explain why I am upset. I think this is my first mistake and perhaps the lesson I am suppose to learn here...I cannot, under any circumstances, use Bryan to process my feelings. If I needed to check it out with him, I should have simply done that and hung up and talked to someone else about how I was feeling. So long story short, I guess Bryan tells this woman that I have been asking about whether or not they are dating and now I have three crazy, ranting, harassing e-mails. I asked Bryan what he told her and he says "I just told her that you asked if we were dating." I think he is lying. Clearly he told her more about how upset I was, because I did say some unflattering things about her to Bryan. OOOPS! I am HUMAN! Or maybe she is reacting so strongly to all of this because, despite what she claims, her intentions are NOT pure with my ex! Either way, I am not in a good place today. I am going to try to just put myself above all of this junior high behavior and try to move forward.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Exactly Why Our Reunion Is Important...


A young wife sat on a sofa on a hot humid day, drinking iced tea and visiting with her Mother. As they talked about life, about marriage, about the responsibilities of life and the obligations of adulthood, the mother clinked the ice cubes in her glass thoughtfully and turned a clear, sober glance upon her daughter.
"Don't forget your Sisters," she advised, swirling the tea leaves to the bottom of her glass. "They'll be more important as you get older. No matter how much you love your husband, no matter how much you love the children you may have, you are still going to need Sisters. Remember to go places with them now and then; do things with them."

"Remember that 'Sisters' means ALL the women...your girlfriends, your daughters, and all your other women relatives too. "You'll need other women. Women always do."

What a funny piece of advice!' the young woman thought. Haven't I just gotten married? *Haven't I just joined the couple-world? I'm now a * *married woman, for goodness sake! A grownup! Surely my husband and the family we may start will be all I need to make my life worthwhile!'

But she listened to her Mother. She kept contact with her Sisters and made more women friends each year. As the years tumbled by, one after another, she gradually came to understand that her Mom really knew what she was talking about. As time and nature work their changes and their mysteries upon a woman, Sisters are the mainstays of her life.*

After more than 50 years of living in this world, here is what I've learned:

Time passes.
Life happens.
Distance separates.
Children grow up.
Jobs come and go.
Love waxes and wanes.
Men don't do what they're supposed to do.
Hearts break.
Parents die.
Colleagues forget favors.
Careers end.

Sisters are there, no matter how much time and how many miles are
between you. A girl friend is never farther away than needing her can reach.

When you have to walk that lonesome valley and you have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life will be on the valley's rim, cheering you on, praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the valley's end.

Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk beside you...Or come in and carry you out.

The world wouldn't be the same without women, and neither would I. When we began this adventure called womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we would need each other.

Few New Photos...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Booked my ticket!

Just wanted to let you all know that I booked my ticket for the weekend of the 14th and can't wait to see all of you! Looking forward to getting together again and celebrating great women and great friendships.
Shelby, I hope you have a fabulous birthday weekend, I can't believe that it has been a year since Vegas, time sure has flown! And, whoever has the Pants in March, must bring them for our annual get together :)

Vegas...One Year Later

I find myself being reflective this week about my life in the past year. With the anniversary of Vegas only 3 days away, I have been thinking about the journey I have been on since March 9, 2006...D-Day. I am not sure if you all realize how much Vegas changed me. I know that sounds dramatic, but being there with all of you and feeling all of your love and experiencing such a magical day/night with you changed the way I saw myself. I guess I finally saw myself through other's eyes. Would I have gotten there without Vegas...sure...maybe...I think I had been doing a lot of work up until that weekend, but there was something so touching about all of you dropping everything to be with me at a time when I really needed that totally accepting, loving, female energy! I thank you all!

Friday, January 11, 2008

It's On!

I say you ladies go ahead and book flights! We have Liz, Miss, Court, Shelby and Liesl confirmed and the remaining Vegas crew are chances are most of them can make at least part of the festivities! Yes! I am excited!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

This Might Work...

Ok...March 14-16 it is! I have Liz, Miss, Liesl and I on board. I will try Courtney to see if she is available. And the rest are lets do it! I need it and can't wait!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My doc says AOK

Hey gals
When I was at the doc on Monday, I asked him when the latest date was that I could travel (secretly hoping that I could squeeze in a girls weekend before the due date)and he told me that I could travel up to 36 weeks- yeeha. That seems a bit late to me, but hey, he is the professional right? I will be 32 weeks by mid march. I suppose I will have to see how I am feeling by then, but in my mind I am feeling good enought to travel. Bri is going to owe me big time for going on a 10 day boys trip so Emily coverage should not be a problem. I will start to look at flights to see what is out there. I am just getting home from my San Diego trip on Jan 30th so I think that counts out Feb 1-3 for me. End of Feb or early March would work too if you guys can fit that in. Lets seriously try to make this one work. Oh and another thing, I am told that red wine is good for the baby so perhaps a sip or 2 for me? and then you gals can drink the rest while I sip on my sparkling water beverage. Aren't you all jealous?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Count me in!

I'd love to take a trip to Denver...the March timing would work better for me, but I'm not sure if it is within Missy's travel time. And...I'm always up for drinking the pregnant people's wine :)
Life has certainly had its ups and downs this past year, I'm looking forward to 2008. But I recently decided that I'd love to freeze my kids in the age they are right now. I was looking back through 10 years of pictures to use at my Grandparents memorial service, and realized just how quickly time flies. Hannah is suddenly this big, indepent kid who already loves going into her room with her girlfriends, shutting the door and just "hanging out." Owen is outside until dark (in reality he's there until we pull him inside), playing with the older boys, skateboarding and just being a boy. They're growing up so darn fast and I realize that Hannah is 8 1/2 and in another 8 1/2 years, she'll be a senior in high school and we'll be off touring colleges (with any luck)! Not to sound cliche, but I truly believe we need to live in the moment and make every moment last! And now, I'm off to do the mom thing and take Hannah across town to until next time...
Oh, and I have decided that in 2010, we need to take a trip to the Mauian (the hotel I stayed at in November in Maui) is such a wonderful place to sit back, relax, and enjoy good friends!

Trip to Denver???

Anyone seriously up for a trip to Denver before Missy can't travel? How fun would it be to have a girls weekend at my house? March 14-16 anyone??? Maybe even Feb. 1-3??? Southwest flies to Denver now and you can find cheap tickets. I know Michele is due sometime right after Valentines Day, but heck...we would take her really pregnant or with the little one in a bucket. Besides, Missy will be feeling large too! And those of you who aren't prgnant, maybe the pregnant juice will rub off onto you. And those of you who hope to NEVER be pregnant again can drink all the pregnant people's alcohol. Melissa and probably even Anika could join us and Katie needs our support, too. Her mother's lung cancer has returned and has spread to her doesn't look good. Anyone...anyone??? We only live once? It would be great to get a yearly tradition going.

Monday, January 7, 2008

I am with you Sister!

I am all for returning to the blog. I frequently check in & get a bit sad when there are no new entries & I find myself reading through the old ones as well. What ups & downs we have all gone through in the past year. And now is as good a time as any to begin keeping in touch again through this little blog of ours. And I have no idea what state the Pants are even in at this time-that should be against the rules. In fact, our Movie was on last night further reinforcing the fact that we need to reconnect through this thing. Of course we are all keeping in touch, but there is something fun about checking in & sharing through our Divas in Denim. It is cathartic to just share about ourselves...
I will report that things in the Wynn household are going well. I am feeling well, am at 22 weeks of pregnancy which is hard to believe already, learned that we are having a girl & all of my tests & ultrasounds have turned out normal so we have lots to be thankful for- one of the downfalls of working with special ed kids for so long & with having a nephew with autism is that it scares me beyond belief to think of having a child with a disability. Of course I know we could handle it & would be fine, but it still makes me anxious. Emily is developing like a pure genius so of course I want child # 2 to be the same. So...positive thoughts for a smooth 18 more weeks. May 13th is the big due date. We are really looking forward to it. Emily is providing such fun for us these days. I swear her little face almost makes me want to cry sometimes. She is so sweet & I can't even imagine not having her with us. Someone asked me the other day if I remembered what it was like before we had her & I couldn't even recall. I did say to Bri "were we bored?"- of course we weren't, but the point I am trying to make is that I agree with the living in the moment philosophy. And I think I am doing a good job of that right now. I am thoroughly enjoying every moment of Emily...and Bri for that matter (of course there is a caveat to that one- ask me how I am enjoying things from Feb 11-20th while he is on a surf trip with the boys -I told him that since he was leaving his pregnant wife home alone to work & care for Emily when it happens to be Valentine's Day he needs to remember; I like Diamonds ! ) Shelby I admire you for being the wonderful single mom that you are because I know it is not an easy task. I hate it when I am solo for just a few days. I can certainly understand the challenges that come along with that & you have shown that you can do it while keeping a smile on your face-

Well, I think my babbling should end for now. Someone please tell me where the Pants are & what they are doing. And I'd like to still have them in my possession when my turn comes even though I can't wear them now. I still want to feel the magic.

Love to you all- Happy 2008. I think we are gearing up for another wonderful year ahead.

I Miss Having the Blog in My Life...

I returned to the blog today to try to figure out when Scott and I had our first date. I was immediately sucked in and read almost all of it (while I was suppose to be working!). I realized how much I missed it and hearing about yours lives. It was actually so healing and I am committing myself to coming back to it. won't be much fun alone, so who's with me?
Here's where I am nearly 1 year post Vegas (can you believe it???)...
I really wonder if the pants are magical. When I read where I was emotionally last year, it is amazing how far I have come. I am not sure there has ever been a year in my life where so much has changed. I welcome all of you to reflect on what has changed for you this year. It's that idea of the "pursuit of happiness" that I talked about way back then. As human beings, we all seem to keep striving, growing, imagining, evolving. It's like it is our nature to pursue that elusive "happy". And all along the way, I guess you have to stop and appreciate that things are good right now. That right in this moment, everything is exactly how it should be. There is something so comforting about that to me. Before this past year, I am not sure I really understood or appreciated what it meant to "live in the moment", while still growing and striving for what you want in life. I have changed profoundly, because I have learned first hand, how fragile everything you think you "have" really is. I read a meditation awhile back that said something about how no one really "owns" anything or has any "control" over anyone. We are all just on this earth and are really "borrowing" everything that is ours. It all really belongs to the universe. You could get really depressed thinking about that and say "OMG! I have NO control over anything in my life!" or maybe it could bring comfort to know that we are all just really part of something much bigger than our little lives??? Not sure that makes sense? Anyway, I really want to hear how everyone is doing and what you are all thinking about these days. I love you all dearly!